
Do no harm. Sharing experiences.

Om arrangementet

Arrangør: Norsk Nettverk for Global Mental Helse

A persons mental health is linked to the most private in us. It has connections to how we grew up, cultures we live in and our faith. This can influence us positively and negatively and we are not always conscious how this happens. When working in the area of mental health in another culture, we need to be careful about all our good intentions and understandings. We all need to abid by to the “Do no harm”-standards. We will in this seminar primarily discuss and share our experiences of good and challenging practices on mental health and look at mitigating factors.

Facilitators: Heidi Westborg Steel og Ragnhild Dybdahl


Opening by Heidi Westborg Steel

Introductory perspectives from Ragnhild Dybdahl and Jimmy Westerheim

Strengths and challenges in our mental health work

  • 2 pre-invited sharing
  • A round of sharing

Discussion on mitigating factors

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Christian Krohgs gate 10, Oslo, Norge

Do no harm. Sharing experiences.

Do no harm. Sharing experiences.

Om arrangementet

Arrangør: Norsk Nettverk for Global Mental Helse

A persons mental health is linked to the most private in us. It has connections to how we grew up, cultures we live in and our faith. This can influence us positively and negatively and we are not always conscious how this happens. When working in the area of mental health in another culture, we need to be careful about all our good intentions and understandings. We all need to abid by to the “Do no harm”-standards. We will in this seminar primarily discuss and share our experiences of good and challenging practices on mental health and look at mitigating factors.

Facilitators: Heidi Westborg Steel og Ragnhild Dybdahl


Opening by Heidi Westborg Steel

Introductory perspectives from Ragnhild Dybdahl and Jimmy Westerheim

Strengths and challenges in our mental health work

  • 2 pre-invited sharing
  • A round of sharing

Discussion on mitigating factors