Nordic VR forum 2022
1 November 2022 09:00 –
1 February 2023 22:00
Hamar Kulturhus, Torggata 100, 2317 Hamar, Norge
About the event
Organizer: VRINN v/Hamarregionen
The Nordic VR Forum is a conference for innovators, for thought leaders, for storytellers! It is aimed at everyone interested in the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in health care, learning, training and storytelling – as well as VR professionals and experts. The main purpose is to present the development, possibilities, results and future visions of VR and AR technologies based on actual use cases. Look forward to yet another conference with many influential attendees and top-notch projects. As an independent, non-profit event, the Nordic VR Forum is the biggest celebration in the Nordic hemisphere of the very best virtual reality has to offer right now!

Hamar Kulturhus, Torggata 100, 2317 Hamar, Norge

Nordic VR forum 2022
1 November 2022 09:00 –
1 February 2023 22:00
Hamar Kulturhus, Torggata 100, 2317 Hamar, Norge
About the event
Organizer: VRINN v/Hamarregionen
The Nordic VR Forum is a conference for innovators, for thought leaders, for storytellers! It is aimed at everyone interested in the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in health care, learning, training and storytelling – as well as VR professionals and experts. The main purpose is to present the development, possibilities, results and future visions of VR and AR technologies based on actual use cases. Look forward to yet another conference with many influential attendees and top-notch projects. As an independent, non-profit event, the Nordic VR Forum is the biggest celebration in the Nordic hemisphere of the very best virtual reality has to offer right now!